If It is True by Richard Ntiru

If it is true
that the world talks too much
then lets all keep quiet
and hear the eloquence
of silence

If it is true
that the world sees too much
then let’s all close our eyes
and see the inner vision
beneath the closed eyes

if it is true
that the world hears too much
then let’s wax our ears
and listen to the chastity of inner music
that defies betrayal
by the wayward wind

If it is true
that the world moves too much
then let’s stand statuestill
and imitate the stubborn will
of trees
that move without being peripatetic

for the dumb don’t tell lies

for the blind can’t be peeping toms

for the deaf cannot eavesdrop

for the crippled can’t trespass.

(to Contents)



Anonymous said...

Been looking for this poem for ages. Was made to memorize this in my Secondary school days and dramatize it as well. T'was really fun.

Unknown said...

I still enjoy Ntirus peoms. This was good. I am alos looking for help.

I am looking for a poem whose full words I cant remember but had words like " and yet none of us spoke". Read in high school in 70's. I do not know the author either. I think it was about an execution during the fight for freedom in Arica. If anybody can recall it and has information, respond using this site and my personal email: mathanganim@yahoo.co.uk.

patrick said...

thank you! :)
saves me like $20! :D

Micheline said...

Good to find one of my dad's poems online..trying to get him to write some more

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. Where is Richard Ntiru nowadays. Would love to get in touch. We have been discussing with some friends on facebook on his poem "Introduction" in Jonathan Kariara & Ellen Kitonga: An Introduction to East African Poetry, Nairobi, Oxford University Press, 1976.

Micheline said...

Pls send me your email address and I will put you in touch Njuki.

Unknown said...

Thanks Micheline. My email - njukig@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Great.. Have been looking for this poem

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I really love this poem because it brings the reader's mine very deep in reflection 🙂

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Where can I buy a couple of copies of this to give To Ntiru a friends and family ?

Anonymous said...

Wow! This poem was one of the set pieces recited by the junior girls at one of the annual inter house poetry competitions at my secondary school.It has stayed with me all these years....and from time to time i recite it.I still know the words by heart courtesy of supervising the rehearsals in school for my house.

Anonymous said...

This is incredible. It was originally published in Soyinka collections of African poetry but unfortunately I misplaced it. Appreciation to technology. So many contradictions.